Monday, August 12, 2019

Advanced Organisational Behaviour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Advanced Organisational Behaviour - Essay Example In post industrialization environment many theorists attempted to define the human contribution in the production process, while some gave importance to maximizing production others were considered with production processes, undermining and ignoring the ability and emotions of workers all together. Fredrick Taylor introduced principles of scientific management, dividing labour to achieve more efficiencies and introducing rationalization and standardization. Humans were considered as just a means to an end and while high wages were given to employees with high productivity in factory environment, the understanding of reasons and relation of high productivity with human behaviour were never understood. According to the principles of scientific theory management had unchallenged powers for allocating tasks, employee relations were objective, treatment of workers was impersonal and collective with wage as a singular source of motivation. The result of this approach was exploited and estr anged workforce resulting in conflicts with management and later on labour right’s movements (Kanigel, 1997). A similar explanation was given by Karl Marx who focused on intensifying Labour relationship with industrial processes. With improvement suggested in technology, the techniques prophesized by Marx were based on de-skilling of workers, fragmentation of tasks, management was the sheer body of knowledge with emphasis given to speed and conduct exhibited by workers. (Braverman, 1998). Human Relations theories or Neo Human Relations theories presented by Elton Mayo, Abraham Maslow, Douglas McGregor and Fredrick Herzberg; they promoted a management approach that understood social and psychological needs of employees in the organization and that responding to them efficiently would keep workers motivated and enhance productivity and profitability. In this approach managers tend to identify and satisfy employee needs and they were allowed to work in teams with inclusion in de cision making process. The results acquired by adopting this approach were enhanced worker morale, motivated employees and more productivity; furthermore employees considered themselves as a part of the organization and individual satisfaction increased (Abbott, 2006, p. 192). With the evolution of human resources management as a field of study and emphasis shift to understanding of organizational behaviour, employees were no longer regarded as tools but they were considered as assets to the organization. An asset that can enhance the productivity of the organization to a great extent and better talent can provide a competitive edge in the market. With adopted learning and development practices and focus on human resource development activities it was realized that the skill possessed by this human capital can be incremented (Gennard & Judge, 2002). The major enforcer for giving importance to human emotions and understanding their needs was industrialization process, which gave birt h to complex jobs and structures; creativity in employees was cherished and management structures were enhanced with introduction of performance management techniques, reward and recognition practices along with talent management. Companies adopting this approach considered workplace relations as an important factor in success, collaboration in between teams along with management and employees became vital with a unique organizational culture with reliable and honest leadership possessing a realistic vision. The practice of unifying individual goals with organizational goals grew in importance and communication processes were opened up with an emphasis on collectivism, which means that collective interests are served better by working

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