Saturday, August 24, 2019

Employment Relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Employment Relations - Essay Example It started due to poor conditions of labor and compulsory cruel over time for the labor. During the period of 1970s Labor movement was taking notice of racisisam and its affect it had on the labor and the labor policies. The trade union consisted of 11.5 million members. There were pamphlets and dvds which were offered starting from Brent trade council which showed the highlights of the movement. It was also talking about the work which the employers of George Ward were doing in order to fight for the trade unionism. The movement was supported by the conservative party, the national association of Freedom and police and the court. Here it is also important to talk about the trade union leadership which was basically giving vocal support to their members but they were not prepared properly in order to provide support to their members until the bitter end came of the strike, which made the strikers stop and accept the court action against them. Grunwicks was basically a photograph fact ory that was located in Brent, North London and it was run by the anti union employer named as George Ward. There were many strikes and work done earlier as well in order to gain the recognition for the workers however it 1976 the strike ked by Jayaben Desai started with 137 workers supporting his work. Though the end result which they had to face was they all being sacked but it was a proper strike ever that took place thus it was successful in at least starting a cause even if they had to face failure in the beginning. Local citizens, advice bureau and even Apex joined them so that an official recognition is given to the strike. The strikers were new and they had never been involved in anything which was against the rulling class but here they were not only against the ruling class but they were also fighting a battle which was between the trade movements and the people who was ruling them. Political aspect of this strike was clearly visible to the strikers who got the results and and answer very quickly. There were many solidarity actions which were spreading around the trade union movement as the strike lasted for a longer period of time and it became a very common thing around. People around boycotted the Grunwick factory and people were stopped to send photos to them for processing, even George Ward was not successful in stopping the strike. Many workers and members of other departments also joined hands with them which include local postal workers who became members of the union of postal workers and they stopped delivering posts. There were also some water and electricity cut offs but Apex and TUC was not involved in it and it was not evening supporting that. (Socialist Appeal ). All the actions of the postal workers were stopped as ordered by the union but Len Murray still attended one meeting of TUC that took place in Brent. The act of Mass picketing started in June 1977 and there were almost 3000 pickets. Police became very active as well who arrest ed almost 84 people. There was almost a civil war atmosphere created as there were scenes which were to familiarize the minor strikes and the atmosphere was just like a civil war atmosphere. 12000 pickets basically blockaded the factory for almost six hours where the branches of the

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